Navarathri is celebrated for nine days.From day seven, Goddess Saraswati is celebrated culminating in Saraswati pooja. During Saraswati pooja , you must clean a place in your Pooja room ( if you are celebrating Kolu then in front of the steps) place a small plank ,place your reading materials, your childrens’ text books, writing materials, and for elders, books related to their profession ( house wives can place their cookery books, diaries, sloka books that they use daily).On top of these place an idol or a picture of Goddess Sarasvathy, decorate her with flowers etc. If you are not able to perform pooja for 3 days,do it on the Mahanavami reciting the following sloka;
"Paasangusa thara Vaani veena pusthaka tharini mama vakthre vasae nithyam santhushtasthu sa sarvathaa"
பாசாங்குச தார வாணி வீனா புஸ்தக தாரிணி மம வக்த்ரே வசே நித்யம் சந்துஷ்டாஸ்து ச சர்வத
पासन्गुस थर वाणी वीणा पुस्थाक थारिणी मम वक्त्रे वसे नित्यं
संथुष्टस्थु स सरवथा
and perform neivethyam with payasam, Vadai, chenna sundal etc.
During the pooja day, it is customary that you should not be reading, learning or teach anything.